Ever since I've made the jump to playing poker for at least part of my income, I've noticed some very interesting effects on my general life outlook.
First of all, I see money in a very different way. Since it comes and goes in waves, it has lost much of its significance to me. By that, I mean for example, I hired this book promoter (Kennata) a few months back to set up some book signings. Kennata could notta do anything right. She turned out to be totally incompetent and I pretty much lost all the money I paid her and she took 100 of my books and never returned them. In the past, I would have been very disturbed and resentful and I would have pulled out all the stops to get my money back. Now. I say, "Darn, $3200 down the drain. That sucks." I move on. It's like I had a real bad day at the tables. Everything is compared to a day at the tables. I get a tax refund check for $4500. Nice. A good day at the tables. Money is coming into my pocket and leaving it far more frequently than before. It's the way of the poker pro. I think this is a positive change in my world view. I see money more clearly for what it is. It isn't the be all or end all for my existence. Far from it. Just the makings of a bad day or a good day. No big deal. I can now focus on the really important things in life. Time. Family. Friends. Creating. Art.
I think it has also forced me to be much more aware of the moment. Just as Utah becomes existential in the tropical wilderness, I've become more attuned to the present. For example, every time I get a nice payoff from a tournament or big cash win, I use a formula for the disbursement of my winnings. Let's say I just won $10,000. Of that I take 25% ($2,500) and put it away. I use another $2,500 for everyday expenses. Another quarter is reinvested into my poker bankroll. And, most importantly, I spend $2500 right away on something fun, something I can enjoy that very moment, usually with my wife and family. Once I took my wife on a two week trip to Italy. Another time I bought a big flat screen TV. A cruise. Refinished our basement. A cross country trip in a monster RV. Five days in St. Lucia. All in the last five years or so. Poker has allowed me to enjoy the journey. To experience, savor and relish all the steps along the way and not sweat the small stuff. Thanks poker, you've opened my eyes.
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