This wave of cash got me thinking as I was perusing the New York Times Book Review Section. A couple of books came out about the workplace. Discussing how people feel about their work. How they value all the time they spend on the job. In very few cases did anyone ever say that they love their work so much that they would do it for no pay (lets assume their basic needs were met somehow). That got me thinking about poker. I love the game. I'd play it for pennies if that was the only game in town. But I can make serious money flopping in poker rooms. Each of the last four years I've made over $75,000. One year I made over $190,000. So here I am thinking, if I can make enough money at poker to meet my family's relatively normal financial needs, I can spend the rest of my time really enjoying life's basic and exotic pleasures.
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about where the money was coming from? For me it's all about spending time with my four kids; 19, 17, 3 and 10 months. Like the time I took them ( I only had two at the time) cross country in a 24 foot RV. Now I'm thinking about taking a longer trip in a smaller Type B class RV. We'll go down to Florida in November, spend time with the parental units then continue to Key West. After the holidays, we'd hug the gulf coast and make our way all the way to San Diego as slow as molasses. Be there by February. Then we'll store the RV and take a cruise ship to Baja. Stay down there in a rented villa for say six weeks. Then we cruise back and jump back into the RV and hug the Pacific Coast all the way up to Alaska. We'll get to Fairbanks by mid July. Then we'll whine our way back through the Canadian Rockies and get back home in Connecticut by September. That's my dream. Does that make me irresponsible? Shouldn't I be slaving away at a high pace at some job or activity because thats what we're all suppose to do? Excuse me, but I'm gonna live. If I can swing it (I can't at this point), I'm gonna savor every moment with my three daughters and one son. When I'm ready to die, I want to be able to honestly say to myself that I enjoyed this journey we call life. I didn't just go along with the crowd. I didn't save for "retirement." I lived. I may have risked as well, but I enjoyed it.
For those of you who read Poker Slam, you know all this already. I'll keep you updated on how things turn out.
So... what did you have against Dan when you 4-bet him all in on the flop last Friday?