Latey, for instance, I've been on pins and needles about my Internet company. Well its not all mine, but I am the founder and I own the biggest chunk. Anyway, we have a buyer. But we've had this buyer for going on 13 months. Its amazing how these things can get dragged out. If I hear the phrase "due diligence" one more time, I think I'll have a conniption.
At the present time, we are in the home stretch. We've leaped many a hurdle. We are suppose to close on December 4th. But as everyone seems to take great pleasure in reminding me, many things can still go wrong. So what am I suppose to do. I'm not a good multiplexer, so its hard for me to start my next projects - real estate and another book. I do keep my poker learning web site current and updated, however. But its very hard to concentrate when this huge milestone in my life is dangling in front of me, drifting in and out of sight.
But I found the silver lining - enjoy the state of anticipation. It is, after all, a great feeling - often surpassing the thrill of the thing actually happening. Its just a hard concept to get your arms around. So I've meditated on past good things that have happened to me and tried to recreate my emotions prior to the consummation of said event. My conclusion is that its all about the dream. Whether it happens or not (I shouldn't say that - it is going to happen), I think about the travel I'll be doing with my wife, I get excited about playing in some big poker tournaments, I look forward to spending more time with my eldest two daughters, about getting an RV and heading to Canada, about studying the real estate market and making some super shrewd investments. This makes me happy. I've had some happy days just anticipating. Even if it doesn't happen (knock on wood), I have accomplished a very important thing in just being happy for a period of time. After all, happiness and contentment is a state of mind. The richest person in the world can be miserable, while a poverty stricken Chilean can be ecstatic.
This method of thinking about the world suits me. That's why I play poker, especially poker tournaments. I may not make the money time after time, but each time I miss I know it will make that eventual win that much sweeter.
By the way, I am also anticipating a great Thanksgiving this year. Most of my family seem to be getting together for a few days. Hope you have a good one too. Pleasant thoughts to all.
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