The first few days after the sale have been a bit hazy. I've been at it for so long. There is a loss of groundedness feeling that has left me feeling like a drifting soul in an endless universe. But isn't that we actually are anyway? Am I not feeling the true feelings of "humanness?" I can do what I want now, I suppose, though the money won't last forever. Its not the big bucks (less then a million) that you hear about in the business pages of The New York Times. But it is reassuring to know there is a big cushion there for my four kids and wife.
So what's next? Well its time to fulfill some of my dreams. We are looking into living on an island off the coast of New Jersey (something I've always wanted to try). I plan to take up sailing. Do some traveling; NYC tomorrow; Philadelphia in a few weeks; Arizona at the end of January; LA in February; Florida in March; a big trip with my middle daughter in April . . . I also plan on getting back into the tournament circuit a little bit - mostly concentrating on Atlantic City + maybe the Main Event (except I usually go camping in the Adirondacks in July). Also might do some painting/sculpture as well as write of course. I have a second novel in the works as well as a detailed "Anatomy of a Tech Start-up" nonfiction book that is just underway.
As one of my favorite running backs of all time said after his retirement, Calvin Hill. "Life is a smorgasbord. You finish one item, its time to try something else." I'm ready to try some new things.
As far as venturing goes, I have an idea for operating a sailing and motor boat co-ownership program on Brigantine Island. I have a ways to go on that one. I also am planning some major additions to my poker course site - stay tuned. Be well all.