In my mind, we have already made the call on this issue. Gambling is here to stay. We have legal casinos in 28 states. Horse racing is in almost every state. Lotteries are not only condoned by government, they run 'em. They market them. Its apparently OK for states to run numbers. Fine. But if states can push gambling on us, why not let everyone choose what kind of gambling they like to do?
But there are those out there who feel we are not capable of doing the "right" think with our money. We need laws restricting what we do with our own cash. I'm speaking mostly of those evangelical Christian republicans who say that gambling is not apart of "family values" - whatever those are - and should not be allowed. But those people seem to think lotteries and horse racing are OK. I don't quite get it. Lotteries are 100% luck and horse racing is at least 90% luck. How is this not gambling? What makes these activities OK and others are not?
Its time for some consistency in our policies. Its time to get away from these obvious facades. This is not about any kind of "values." It's about the certain people who have control of certain gambling ventures and influence in government. That's all there is to it. Case closed. This has nothing to do with "family values" or "christian ideals." It has to do with money and business. Powerful people are making a lot of money and they don't want to lose their monopoly. Plain and simple.
Also, when it comes down to it, we're talking Bill of Rights here. I work hard for my money. Shouldn't I decide where it goes. Do I tell the Baptists in Mississippi how to conduct their prayer meetings? What business is it of anybody else how I spend my Fall Sunday afternoons. Who am I hurting when I bet a few bucks on the Super Bowl? Man 'o man, it just makes my blood boil sometimes when I hear these people trying to rationalize their views on this stuff. You live your life buddy and I'll live mine.
Case in point is that ridiculous law called the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. It makes it illegal to play poker and casino games online but allows an exception for horse racing and lotteries. How do they pass that and keep a straight face?
We need to make this all right. Maybe the new president, a poker player, will get some rationality injected into our system. I understand he has his hands full at the moment with the economy and all. But when you get a second, Mr. President, can you help us poker players out a little. We'd really appreciate it.
i totally agree with you. gambling is here to stay. education about how to gamble responsible is necessary, i think, because some people do get addicted to it. but no one suggests we criminalize alchohol again... and lots of people die as a direct result of its abuse. if people can drink responsibly, and most people do, then people can gamble responsibly.