Friday, February 20, 2009

Course Demo is UP!

As many of you know, my latest venture is It's a site that will eventually have 50 courses on poker. It will start with some preliminary courses on the rules of the game, but it will then have Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 courses on Basic Hold 'Em, Tournament Play and Live Games respectively. Since I'm a former Business School Professor, I couldn't help but structure the courses like a University Major. Each course will build on the preceding one. You can also specialize in online, tournament or live play.

I'm proud to say, I've finished the course demo and it can be viewed online. I hope to have the first batch of 12 courses up within a week or two.

This venture is very similar to the company I started back in 1998, In that case, I created an online course delivery system for insurance agents. It was a new way for them to get those pesky CE credits that the states where now requiring. It's still going strong today. The difference is that in the case of the technology is much better.

Let me know what you think of the interactivity, the clarity and the sound. The platform is FLASH 10 and I've been very pleased with its capabilities and ease-of-use for the viewer.

I'll keep you posted as courses are added.

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